Saturday, April 14, 2012

12.21.12 Live life to the last and conquer fear

The internet is swarming with exciting updates or prophecies about the most controversial Doomsday, the end of the world on 21st Dec 2012. More the controversies, more the books about this topic causing curiosities on the rise. So what is it all about ? Every beginning has a Finish. It is inevitable. It is bound to happen. The earth and every single piece of creation on it will die. In some way, some form or some means, the life on this beautiful planet will come to an end. Alas, that tragedy is not that far! It is predicted to happen when the calendar ends.

The prophecy is derived from the Mayan Long Count Calendar that stops on the above date.. The Mayan calendar is one of the ancient systems of almanac referred by the Maya civilization. The calendar is still followed by a chosen few societies living in Mexico and Guatemala valley. The centuries old Mayan calendar ends up dramatically. This is hence deciphered as the impending dooms day. However, to what extent this forecast can affect your life style? Will you stop planning for your future or will you cancel your new car booking? How germane is worrying about this unanticipated event?

The Mayans created a Long Count Calendar with multiple cycles. Based on this calendar, many have prophesied that as per the calendar the planet to be destroyed after the last cycle ie on Dec 21st, 2012. How it would happen still remains a mystery as from the layman to the scholar have concluded their own theories. While some people feel the Earth will experience a polar shift, others claim it wiil be a day of complete destruction. No sign of life will be seen on earth. Whether this is a rumour or an event to happen in the future, remains to be seen.

Should we really think about it and let it effect our perspective towards daily life. No one can peek into the future. And also, no one can change what is destined to happen. In simple words, there is nothing is our hands. Therefore whether on not the earth will come to a finish on that date? We must live every single moment to the fullest. Thank God for bestowing you with such a beautiful life and live every day to your contentment.

Scientific and religious experts all over are discussing the event just two years from now. However shocking it might sound, many astronomical alignments point in that direction. Thousands of years ago, the Mayan calendar was the first to predict the end of the world. Mayans were known for their accurate astrological equipment. It was they who calculated the exact length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, falling short by only 34 seconds.

For all you know they might be true here too. Natural calamities like sun storms which are bombarding the atmosphere with radiation energy. This is disrupting power grids and disabling satellites. It will worsen in near future, by bringing economic collapse. Or the drifting apart of magnetic poles by 20-30 km's every year, is a major cause of concern for scientists. The disruption in the magnetic field which shields us from the cosmic rays of the Sun, might result in scorching all life to instant death.

The geologists on the other hand are having jitters as they wait for the eruption of the world's biggest volcano at Yellowstone National Park in the US. It erupts after every 6, 50,000 years. The eruption which is overdue by many years will fill our planet's atmosphere with ash, enough to block the sun, and plunge the planet into a frozen winter for the next 15,000 years. The pressure has been building and predicted date is the expected time.

Man-made woes have added to the reasons. The atom Smasher, the largest particle accelerator, a 27km tunnel, designed by European scientists to smash atoms together, has become a grave cause of concern. The testing of this machine which predicts creation of mini black holes, or crushing the planet to the size of a football is due in that year. All the religions of talk about the Promised one. The Jews refer to him as Moses, Hindus call him Krishna, Muslims wait for Imam Mahdi and Christians await Christ. Skeptically they wait for their prophecies to come true, waiting for the omnious signs. Islam has 72 signs while the Bible enumerates 21. Jews talk of chaos in nature, where there will be thunderstorms, with waves that will devour one and all. In the past events has been witnessed by human civilization in the form of Tsunamis, Katrina, and other devastating hurricanes.

One of the reason that fortifies the fear is that most of the theories have mentioned the same year of the Apocalypse. The predictions of Nostradamus’s great flood in 2012 or Chinese I Ching in same year coordinates with Web-bot a computer programme. The program made stock market forecast, also predicted that date to be the end of World. Even the laws of science, the second law of thermo dynamics, states that order eventually ends in disorder, bringing about the finish of everything that exists in the universe, the body, material things, earth’s magnetic field and even the all powerful Sun.

The finish may signify a new beginning, the beginning of a new age. The research made by many top scientists claims that even the planet X may have very little effect upon the plante and its gravitational pull. Now, it is an open choice between the optimism of the best scientists of the present century and the pessimism of distant past. Let the pessimists and the fearful die a thousand deaths before the actual dooms day, which is absolutely unpredictable. Fear of death will only make our life worry some. So, live life to the last and conquer fear.

Scientific Theories - Doomsday
Ancient Calendars, Plane X, Nibru, WebBot Project, Secret Russian Bunkers, Geomagnetic Reversal, Science of Eschatology, Scent calendar, Cattle Clock, NASA Research

Religious Theories - End of Earth
Hindu Mythology - The Tenth Avatar, Black Hole Alignment, Secret of "30 degree latitude", Judaism - Acharit Hayamim, Islamic Yawn ad-Din, Hindu Kaala Jnaana, Holy Chants, Egyptians Tahra Bay, UFO Link, Yagya Power

Doomsday Survival Kit and News
Food stock - MRE and ER Bars, Secret of Mt Yamantau, U.S. Air force Survival plane - TACAMO, Nostradamus 2060 Prediction, X-Ray Vision, IRAS project, Norway Seed Store, Origin of Mesoamerica


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